Families Fly Free


Longtime travel journalist Lyn Mettler shares her top tips to help families quickly and easily travel for less using rewards points and inspires you with ideas of where to travel.

A man and woman are sitting in front of a camera.

BONUS | How to Fly a Family of 7 Free With Carlos & Angelica Virgen

Carlos and Angelica are members of Families Fly Free, who have a family of 7 ranging from toddlers to young...
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A group of people standing in front of christmas trees at an airport.

48: Flight Delays Be Gone! How to Avoid Delays During Busy Travel Periods Like School Breaks

Lyn shares her top tips to reduce the odds of experiencing flight delays during busy travel periods like the holidays....
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A woman standing in front of the grand canyon with her arms outstretched.

47: It’s Totally Possible to Travel Free With a Family of 5 With Stephanie Antin

Wondering if flying and traveling free works for larger families? Stephanie Antin of AlmostFreeFamilyTravel.com is a great example of how...
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A travel insurance form with a hat and sunglasses on a desk.

45: Why My Family Is Buying Annual Travel Insurance

My family recently decided to purchase an annual travel insurance policy due to the ongoing struggles with the airlines. I...
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Families fly free podcast logo.

44 | The “Game” of Flying Free With Families Fly Free Member Diane Francis

Families Fly Free member Diane Francis shares the joy of saving on travel that she's learned from the Families Fly...
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Harley-davidson's harley-davidson's harley-davidson's.

43: Yikes! Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights: Your Guide From a Mom’s Perspective

For more Halloween fun, consider Universal Studios Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights. While I was unsure about this event for years...
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A family posing for a photo in front of a red cone.

42: My Favorite Family Halloween Travel “Treat”: Disneyland at Halloween

My family loves Disneyland at Halloween, and in this episode I share all the reasons from the Haunted Mansion Holiday...
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A man wearing glasses and a maroon shirt.

BONUS EPISODE: We Saved $4,500 on 1 Trip Taking My Extended Family to Hawaii With Mike Jackson

Lyn chats with Families Fly Free member Mike who shares how he's used the membership to take his extended family...
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A man in a pink hat with a pineapple in his hand.

41: Travel Tips From My Late Father Lost to COVID: “Everything for me is an adventure.”

Unfortunately, I lost my healthy and fit 78-year-old father to COVID-19 on September 5. My dad, Harry Maddox, was a...
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A woman is standing in front of an airport holding a ticket.

40 | How to Properly Time Your Southwest Companion Pass; Don’t Get This Wrong!

Timing is everything when it comes to the amazing Southwest Companion Pass! In this episode, I share everything you need...
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Two hands making a heart shape with a globe in the middle.

39: Are You a 1-Vacation-a-Year Family? How to Shift From a Vacation Mindset to a Year-Round Travel Mindset

Learn the benefits of shifting from a once-a-year vacation mindset to the mindset of someone who simply "travels" from saving...
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A group of people posing for a picture.

38: They’ll Never Forget the Memories You Make Together: 5 Priceless Reasons to Start Traveling More With Your Kids

Lyn shares some amazing benefits of travel for your kids that are absolutely priceless from increased confidence to spending time...
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